3 Top Qualities of a Great Jacksonville Veterinarian
Looking for a new Jacksonville veterinarian? It helps to do a little research beforehand. Not only will your pet get the best care in the city, but you’ll also find it easier to make appointments and keep them. Read on to learn the three top qualities of an experienced veterinarian so that you can make […]
Top 5 Loving Pet New Year’s Resolutions
We all want to be the best owners we can be for our furry friends, but there are oftentimes activities, training, and more that we neglect. This year, make a commitment to focus on one resolution that’s been on your mind so you can improve your pet’s life and strengthen your bond! To get you […]
3 Super Fun Ways to Play With Your Cat
Did you know that in the United States, 59.5 percent of cats are overweight or obese? Although a round cat may look cute, this can lead to a greater risk for diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, urinary problems, dandruff, and overall an unhappy cat with a reduced quality of life. If you love your […]
How Often Should I Go to The Vet?
How Often Should I Go to The Vet? Going to the vet will be part of your routine once you get a pet, but how often do you expect to show up? How often you go to the vet depends on how old your pet is and if they have any problems with their […]
Pet Allergies – What Can You Do?
What are Pet Allergies? Pet allergies, much like human allergies are biological reactions to different things that their bodies rally against. These reactions can range from slight to severe and could require a varying amount of veterinary assistance, but what can you do? Mild Allergy Symptoms Scratching, itching, vomiting, hair loss, sores, […]
What is Pet Insurance?
Pet insurance is precisely what it sounds like. Health insurance for your pet can take an astronomical amount of stress off your shoulders, depending on the provider you go through. Deductibles Most pet insurance can hold deductibles anywhere between $250 to $2000 per visit. These deductibles are what you have to pay […]
Your Pet Ate What?
Foreign Bodies Strings and things! Cats and dogs alike like eating things they shouldn’t, and though most small objects will pass, some larger objects won’t. These foreign bodies can tie up your pets’ insides, literally, or pierce them, depending on what the object is. Pets have eaten everything from hair bands to sports gear, making […]
Fourth Of July Pet Safety Tips
Fireworks and the Fourth of July go together like … well, fireworks and the Fourth of July. While you may already have safeguards in place for people and children, there are additional things to consider for pet owners. Here are a few tips on helping your pets remain safe and happy while dealing with fireworks. […]
Tips for Dealing with Pet Allergies
Many people believe they cannot own a dog or cat if they have asthma or allergies, but not all people with these problems necessarily have a reaction to dogs or cats, and some people may be allergic to dogs and not cats, or vice versa. Some believe that there are dog and cat breeds that […]
June is Adopt a Cat Month! Here’s How to Find the Right Purring Companion
You may have heard the saying, “You own a dog, but you feed a cat.” It is true that cats value their independence a bit more than their canine counterparts. But, if you’ve ever been around cats, you already know they crave and require love and companionship. Cats make wonderful pets and most easily adjust […]