Pet Care Tips for Spring

Springtime Pet Care Tips from Our Jacksonville Animal Hospital

As spring arrives, warmer temperatures and longer days provide more opportunities for outdoor fun with your pets. However, the season also brings new challenges, including allergies, parasites, and increased outdoor risks. Our trusted Jacksonville animal hospital wants to help you keep your pets safe, healthy, and happy all season long.

Watch Out for Seasonal Allergies

Spring means blooming flowers and fresh grass, but for some pets, it also means allergies. Pets can develop seasonal allergies from pollen, mold, and dust, leading to excessive scratching, watery eyes, sneezing, and ear infections. If your pet is experiencing allergy symptoms, our Jacksonville animal hospital can help by recommending antihistamines, medicated shampoos, or other treatments to provide relief.

Prevent Fleas, Ticks, and Heartworms

Warmer weather means an increase in flea, tick, and mosquito activity. These parasites can transmit dangerous diseases like Lyme disease and heartworm. Prevention is key, and we recommend keeping your pet on a year-round flea, tick, and heartworm prevention plan. If you need guidance on the best prevention methods, our Jacksonville animal hospital team is here to help.

Spring Cleaning Pet Safety

Many pet owners take advantage of spring for deep cleaning, but common household cleaners can be toxic to pets. Ensure cleaning products are pet-safe and stored out of reach. Additionally, be mindful of toxic spring plants like lilies, azaleas, and tulips, which can be harmful if ingested.

Shedding and Grooming Needs

With the change of season, many pets begin shedding their winter coats. Regular brushing helps manage excess fur and prevents matting. If your pet has long or thick fur, consider a professional grooming session to keep them comfortable. Our Jacksonville animal hospital staff can also check for any skin issues or parasites during your pet’s next visit.

Hydration and Outdoor Safety

Springtime adventures are fun, but as temperatures rise, pets need plenty of fresh water. Always bring water when taking your pet for walks or outdoor play. Avoid strenuous exercise during peak heat hours and keep an eye out for overheating signs like excessive panting, drooling, or lethargy.

Schedule a Spring Wellness Exam

Spring is the perfect time for a check-up. A wellness exam at Mandarin Animal Hospital allows our veterinarians to assess your pet’s overall health, update vaccinations, and discuss preventative care options. Routine exams ensure your pet is ready for all the fun that spring has to offer.

At Mandarin Animal Hospital, we are committed to providing the highest quality care for your pets. If you have any questions about springtime pet care or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us today!
