Get Your Groom On

Grooming and cutting hair are great ways to style, maintain and look your best; it creates a fresh, new outlook! But for pets, especially cats and dogs, grooming is extremely necessary to prevent illnesses and health issues.

Read more from our Jacksonville animal hospital to find out why!

Hidden Dangers
If your pet’s hair isn’t properly groomed or cut, the hair could be hiding harmful issues, such as cysts, bad skin conditions, and harmful infections. If these aren’t noticed and taken care of quickly, these health issues could snowball into something much more dangerous.

If fur gets severely matted, it could cause blood circulation to be cut off, which could result in amputation; not good at all! Be sure to keep up to date with your pet’s grooming schedule and monitor your pet’s skin.

Get Brushing
To avoid these severe health issues caused by not grooming your pet, it’s vital to properly groom and brush your pet regularly. Brushing your pet’s hair keeps the fur untangled and allows natural oils to condition the hair and the skin.

Brushing the hair also makes spotting unwanted bugs, such as fleas or ticks easier. Combing through the fur allows pet owners to notice anything that could be concerning on their pet.

Good for Joints
Grooming also prevents pain in your pet’s joints. Keeping on top of your pet’s nails will ensure they can properly move around without pain. Without caring for the nails, your pet may be forced to move a certain way, which strains different parts of their joints and muscles.

Eliminate this potentially harmful consequence and trim those nails!

Happy Tails
A groomed pet will not only be healthier, but they will be happier. Other people will notice your freshly groomed pet, and this will make your pet feel appreciated! We significantly impact our pets’ mental health, and pets can sense when they are given attention and praise. When our pets look their best, they feel their best – just like us.

While dogs and cats can groom themselves to a certain extent, they can’t do it all and need our help. In doing so, we can catch harmful health issues before they turn dangerous.

