Top 5 Summer Pet Safety Tips

The warmer months are such a fun time to get outside and bond with your pet, but to stay vigilant during your summer activities! There are plenty of opportunities for your pet to get into some trouble during these months. The team here at our top JAX animal hospital has created a helpful list of hazards to avoid and precautions to take so that your pup can enjoy the summer safely! Here are our top 5 summer safety tips for your pet.


Keep Your Pet Hydrated

Running around and exploring will make your pet very thirsty, so be sure to bring some water and a bowl for them everywhere you go! Our pet’s easily become dehydrated and overheated by being outside for even short periods of time, so be sure to stay ahead of hydration. Always having water available for your pet will help to protect them from heatstroke and keep them energized all day long.


Find Some Shade

When you are outside with your pet, try to always find a spot with plenty of shade so that they have the option to get out of the sun. Just because we feel comfortable in the warm weather does not mean that they do. Giving them the choice to relax in a cool, shady area will help them stay comfortable and happy even on very hot days. Our pets can also experience skin damage from the sun, so we need to look out for their exposure. You can purchase pet-friendly sunscreen to help protect your pet from the harmful effects of UV rays.


Recognize the Signs of Overheating

When your pet is feeling too hot, they will start to show signs of overheating and exhaustion. Excessive panting and lethargy are one of the first signs that your pet has reached their limit outside. Dogs don’t sweat like humans do, they pant heavily and drink water to try and lower their body temperature. Other signs of overheating include wobbly legs, vomiting, diarrhea, bright red gums, and thick drooling. If you suspect your pet may be getting too hot, give them a break in the air conditioning or give them some cool water. They won’t be able to tell you when they are too hot, so it is essential that you stay vigilant when they are in a hot or sunny environment.


Never Leave Your Pet in a Car

You should never leave your pet in the car because the temperature can reach dangerously high levels. In a matter of minutes, the temperature inside of a car can soar well above 100 degrees. It can take less than 10 minutes for your dog or cat to experience heat stroke inside of a hot car, which can be fatal. Leaving your pet in the car is not only unsafe for your pet, but it is also illegal in many states. If you see a pet left in a car, take immediate action by either looking for the owner, calling the police, or even trying to free them if necessary.


Protect Your Pet’s Paws

Your pets paw pads are very sensitive and can become seriously damaged or injured from too hot or rough of an environment. The team here at our top JAX animal hospital recommend that you adjust their walking hours to avoid the hottest times of the day. Try walking your pet before and after the sun is at its highest point. You should also walk them on grass or in the shade whenever possible. Asphalt and sidewalk are often too hot or rough for your pet’s paws, and may even cause severe burning or injury. If you can’t avoid walking your pet on these surfaces, get them shoes to help protect their feet. If your pet has become injured or burned from asphalt, run cool water on their paws or hold a cold compress. Call our team immediately and bring them in for an exam so we can assess the damage to their pads.

