Safety Tips for a Beach Trip with Your Dog

As the weather gets warmer, spending time outside with your family and friends is an absolute must. Everyone enjoys soaking up the sun, especially your furry family members. During the fun outings to the beach, owners may want to bring their dogs, so they can run and play in the sand and water.


While this can be a fun-filled day for the entire family, owners must be sure to keep an eye on the things that could be dangerous or harmful to your dog. Check out some helpful safety tips when taking your pup to the beach:


Designate a Cool Place to Sit and Relax

Your dog will certainly be running, jumping and skipping around the beach, but everyone needs a break occasionally! The sun, combined with the exerted energy of your dog, can quickly cause exhaustion, so make sure that there’s a designated space near your setup that has shade and fresh, cool water.


Panting can be a combination of excitement and exhaustion, but if your dog is seeming sluggish and more tired than usual, that’s usually a sign to get them out of the sun, give them some water, and start heading home.


Keep Your Dog Safe in the Water

There’s a common belief that dogs can naturally swim well in any environment. While there’s the instinct to swim, not all dogs are the best swimmers – like people, they need proper training to become better! To keep your pet safe, know their limitations when it comes to swimming before bringing them to the beach and the open water.


There are floatation devices for dogs of all sizes, like life jackets, that can help keep your pup safe in the ocean. If your dog is off their leash, always keep an eye on them when they’re swimming – while you can command your pet, the ocean has its own rules that don’t always follow the others.

