Protect Your Pet during Colder Months

The Winter months can be tough to deal with, whether it’s the excessive snow, rain, or just suffering through the cold weather. But know that if you’re not having fun during the winter, then neither is your pet. There are many discomforts that a pet can deal with in the cold and freezing months, like flaking skin and chapped and bleeding paws. Pets are also exposed to many chemicals and need to be protected from consumption.


Below, your Jacksonville vet discusses helpful ways on how to keep your pets safe when the chilly weather can be too overwhelming for them to handle.


Keep Your Pets Warm and Dry

We understand that, no matter what, your pets may need to go outside to relieve themselves. When they come back inside, make sure you do all that you can to keep them dry. Clean off their paws thoroughly with a towel, especially in between their toes, and wipe them down to get rid of any rain or snow that you can see. If you leave them wet, this could cause your pets to experience dry, itchy, and flaky skin.


Skip the Big Haircuts and Shaving

Everyone wants to stay warm when it’s cold outside, so make sure you’re doing the same for your pets. If you usually get them shaved, skip it during the particularly colder times of the year. Their long hair provides them with that much more warmth, especially when they’re let outside. If they have long, hanging hair, try trimming it down to lessen the chances of ice or wet dirt getting caught and tangled.


If It’s Too Cold for You, It’s Too Cold for Your Pet

Whether it’s a snowstorm or a rainstorm, don’t pet your pet outside if you wouldn’t go outside with them. While animals have a survival instinct, they’re still ill-prepared for extreme weather conditions and could get lost, stolen, or very hurt. Stay warm, stay comfortable, and snuggle your furry family member.


Looking for more helpful tips on how to protect your pets this winter? Call your Jacksonville vet today at (904) 731-5341 and ask us about pet care during the different seasons or to schedule a visit for your pet.

