Virginia Police Department K9s are Safer Thanks to CNN News Anchor

Krijger, a Belgian Malinois with the Norfolk, Virginia police department, served his last day as a police K9 on January 11. It was a Monday and Krijger had responded to a violent barricade situation at a home with his handler and other Norfolk officers.

Fifty-eight-year-old Keith Richardon refused to leave his home despite pleas from negotiators. Richardson’s wife, who told emergency responders that he had a gun, was being held hostage. After a seven-hour standoff, Richardson exited the home, but began firing at the police; Krijger was hit and later succumbed to his injury.

Had Krijger been wearing a bulletproof vest, he may have survived.

After Krijger’s death, an unlikely good Samaritan stepped up to the task of outfitting the department’s entire K9 force with the costly vests after becoming aware of the need on social media. Retired Navy SEAL and military dog handler Jimmy Hatch runs a Norfolk-based charity dedicated to helping military and police dogs. Hatch developed a friendship with CNN news anchor Anderson Cooper after being interview by him last year. When Hatch launched an online campaign to raise the funds needed for the vests – which cost roughly $2,200 each – Cooper took notice.

Although how much he donated wasn’t released, the journalist’s charitable gift was enough to cover the purchase of 18 vests for the Norfolk K9s, plus several more for other area units. The donation served as Cooper’s speaking fee for an upcoming lecture at Chrysler Hall in Norfolk.

The police department tweeted: “We are at a loss for words. Following the passing of K-9 Krijger earlier this week, CNN’s Anderson Cooper has donated enough money to get a vest for every K9 at the Norfolk PD. Truly amazing.”

